United Church of Canada Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Israel and Palestine

The United Church of Canada is deeply concerned about the spiraling conflict between Palestinian armed groups and Israeli forces.

A white dove, invoking peace, flies through an urban area.
Credit: UnSplash

Published On: October 7, 2023

The United Church of Canada mourns the deaths and injuries already suffered and calls for an immediate ceasefire to the recent escalation in violence in Israel and Palestine. The United Church condemns the attacks launched on communities in southern Israel by Hamas, and the ongoing daily violence meted out against Palestinians by Israel’s deepening occupation in Palestinian territories.

Echoing the statement issued by the World Council of Churches, The United Church of Canada is deeply concerned about the risks of spiraling conflict between Palestinian armed groups and Israeli forces, which impacts civilians on both sides the most and only leads to further violence and suffering.

“We pray for the victims and the families of those killed, injured, and abused,” said Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary of The United Church of Canada.

The United Church joins with all those praying for a just peace in the Holy Land and urges global leaders to work urgently for an end to the current violence, an end to the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories, and a just and lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis.

(Source:  United Church of Canada website)


Categories: General News