“Thank You” from your Outreach Council

A couple of notes from Gwen and the Outreach council:

“One of the most beautiful sights of the holidays was our Mitten Tree! It’s branches were adorned with a rainbow of donations from mIMG_8729any creative, generous helpers. The (100+) touques, gloves, scarves, socks, neck warmers, and mittens that you so kindly made or purchased will warm many youngsters during the winter. The items have already been delivered to Rossbrook House for distribution. Your Outreach Council appreciates and applauds your efforts!”


IMG_8236“The Outreach Council would like to heartily thank everyone for the overwhelming support of the Christmas Hamper Project. We packed and delivered 20 hampers to families and individuals in our community on December 16th. Your generous donations of resources, time, and “muscle” enabled us to share gifts, groceries, and good spirits with our neighbours in need. Well done, friends!”

Categories: Outreach