Thank You, Does Not Seem To Be Enough

Douglas and I were driving to the church one morning and we watched a couple walking their dogs along Osborne Street.  I mentioned to Douglas that I felt a little bad for the couple if they were not going to church, they would miss out on the wonderful joy of being a member of a community of faith.  We talked about how important it was to have a community of faith, yet we don’t always recognize the importance of community until those times when the support helps you through the difficult times.

This summer has been one of those times.  The support of this community of Windsor Park United Church has helped us (Douglas, Josh, Caleb and I) through this time of grief and new beginnings.  The sympathy cards, the hugs, the smiles and the welcome home have been so important and allowed us to feel the love and support of this community.  I know that I have thanked many of you and sometimes those words seem hollow and empty and don’t convey the depth of feelings that I have and the gratefulness I feel for your support.

As we move into the Fall and I begin my next set of classes I know that the support of this community will be with me and I know that this will help me as I journey along this road toward ordination.

I have been requested to try to continue to write these posts now that I am home and I will do my best to fulfill this request.




Categories: General News, Patrick