Sunday, Oct. 28/18 Bulletin

October 28, 2018

(Portions of the service that are in BOLD are to be said by all.

All points marked * those who are able are invited to stand.)


Gathering song VU #231 – “I Sing the Mighty Power”

Welcome, lighting of the Christ Candle, and Announcements

Call to Worship

One:    Come and worship!
All:      We will praise God who is between and within everything.

One:    Trust in the One who has created what was, what is, and what will-be.
All:      We will trust in God who creates expansive love calling us to do the same.

One:    Follow the One who never breaks covenant.
All:      We will follow God, whose extravagant love calls us to create justice for the oppressed, feed the hungry, unlock prisons, and welcome strangers, orphans, and widows.

One:    Praise the One whose justice is grace-full and inclusive.
All:      We will praise God, who spans the ages. Amen! 

*     Opening Hymn VU #216 – “Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above”

Prayer of Approach and Confession

Holy One, God of all Creation, you call us to be your people, to carry your vision today and to go where you send us to share your good news.

            As we gather in the presence of the risen Christ to spread the news that your kingdom is near, fill us with your Holy Spirit. Forgive us, God, when we are closed and locked up with negative acts, thoughts and emotions.

            Help us to not be imprisoned by fear, hatred, prejudice, unforgiveness, pride, greed, anger and selfishness, but open our hearts to the values of Your Kingdom.

            Open our eyes to see Your Kingdom. Open our ears to those who cry for help and justice. Fill us with your glorious Spirit, that we may share your good news with a world in need. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Passing of the Peace

Time for all ages

*   Hymn MV #161 – “I Have Called You by Your Name”

The Word

& Scripture Reading: Job 42: 1-6, 10-17

Mark 10: 46-52

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.


Meditation – “Job and Bartimaeus, when to keep quiet?”

(a quiet time for your personal reflection and prayer)

Anthem – “10,000 Reasons”

The Response

*               Offering / Response (VU #538):

            For the gift of creation, the gift of your love,

            And the gift of the Spirit by which we live,

            We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands.

            May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.

Prayers of the People/The Lord’s Prayer

*   Closing Hymn VU #288 – “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”

*    Commissioning / Benediction

*   Response:

                Ancient words, ever true,

               Changing me, and changing you;

               We have come with open hearts,

               O let the ancient words impart.

               We have come with open hearts,

               O let the ancient words impart.


Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Minister                                              Laura Steidl, Music Director Heather Karavas, Office Administrator                                          Myrna Hagues, Organist    June Kaan, Liturgist                                                                                 Gina Grant, Custodian

Welcome Ministry: Sylvia & Bob Mann, Ruth Klein


Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship