Sunday Oct. 14/18 Bulletin

October 14, 2018                                  World Food Day/Job’s Lament

(Portions of the service that are in BOLD are to be said by all.

All points marked * those who are able are invited to stand.)


Gathering song VU #244 – “Sing Your Praise to God Eternal”

Welcome, lighting of the Christ Candle, and Announcements

Call to Worship

One:    When nothing is right, when we are weary and lost, when clouds dull the sky,

All:      even then, let us worship and trust in God.

One:    When our cries are not heard, when no effort makes a difference, when the sun sets,

All:      even then, let us worship and trust in God.

One:    When love is over, when hope is gone, when darkness covers the land,

All:      even then, let us worship and trust in God.

One:    For when we truly worship and trust in God, in refusing to panic or despair,

All:      we shall come to know that God is there, suffering alongside and with us, waiting to show us a new way through the swirling waters.

One:    Let us come together and with God’s help, learn to sing a new song.

All:      Let us come together and worship God, who is there through all times of our lives.

*     Opening Hymn MV #28 – “God of the Bible”

Prayer of Approach and Confession

God of infinite patience and wisdom, we come to you with so many things that claim our time, our energy, and our very lives. We are easily drawn away from serving you by what the world offers, for money, ease, and comfort. Just like the young man in the scriptures, we are owned by our possessions, held captive by our treasures. You continue to offer to us healing and hope. You seek to transform our lives from captivity to freedom. We look at the world and there is so very much warfare, anger and hatred, and we easily become overwhelmed. Help us to place our lives and our trust in you, knowing that with your help, many wonderful things can be accomplished which will provide hope and peace for others and ourselves. Give us courage and strength to truly follow you. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Passing of the Peace


We welcome by Baptism today:

               Brody Frank Baldock, born July 21, 2018

son of Bryan and Brittney


Questions of the Parents

Questions of the Godparents

Congregational Commitment

One:         And all of you, representing the Church here, do you   receive this child in the name of Christ?

All:            Yes, we do.

One:          Will you surround him and his parents with love and look for ways of being Christ to them?

All:             Yes, we will, we gladly welcome this child into our fellowship and we commit ourselves to deeper love and better service for the sake of all people.

One:          I invite you to stand, as you are able, as we reaffirm our own faith as we sing our New Creed.

The New Creed – VU #918 (sung)

We are not alone,

we live in God’s world.

We believe in God:

who has created and is creating,

who has come in Jesus,

the Word made flesh,

to reconcile and make new,

who works in us and others

by the Spirit.

We trust in God.

We are called to be the Church:

to celebrate God’s presence,

to live with respect in Creation,

to love and serve others,

to seek justice and resist evil,

to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,

our judge and our hope.

In life, in death, in life beyond death,

God is with us.

We are not alone.

Thanks be to God.

Filling the Font

One:   God be with you.

All:     And also with you.

One:   Lift up your hearts.

All:     We lift them up to God.

One:   Let us give our thanks to God.

All:     It is good to give God thanks and praise.

One:   Water is a precious commodity… water is everything. Water is life. We claim the joy of water and the way it sustains and nourishes us.

All:      Let it flow and pour and sprinkle for all people. That all may know each day, the gift of God in water.



Prayer after Baptism

All:          We stand as witnesses to the commitment this family has made this day. And we pledge ourselves to their support and care as they discover the ways that the Spirit unfolds for them. Amen.

The Word

Scripture Reading: Job 23: 1-9, 16-17

Mark 10: 17-31

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.


*   Hymn MV #65 – “When We Are Tested”

Meditation – “Abandoned and Alone!”

(a quiet time for your personal reflection and prayer)

Anthem – “Lord, Help Us When We’re Frightened”

The Response

*               Offering / Response (VU #538):

            For the gift of creation, the gift of your love,

            And the gift of the Spirit by which we live,

            We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands.

            May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.

Prayers of the People/The Lord’s Prayer

*   Closing Hymn VU #642 – “Be Thou My Vision”

*               Commissioning / Benediction

*   Response:

                Ancient words, ever true,

               Changing me, and changing you;

               We have come with open hearts,

               O let the ancient words impart.

               We have come with open hearts,

               O let the ancient words impart.


Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Minister                                              Laura Steidl, Music Director Heather Karavas, Office Administrator                                          Myrna Hagues, Organist

Doug Waldron, Liturgist                                                                        Gina Grant, Custodian

Welcome Ministry: Nancy Sulkers, Marg Friesen & Alana Davis

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship