Notes on the Notes – September 9, 2018

Welcome Sunday/Season of Creation 1

This week’s readings:

James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17     Mark 7:24-37

This week’s music:

“Welcome to Our Church”

“Welcome to our church, why don’t you come on in?
God’s love is alive – it’s truly, freely given.
Come inside and here receive the gift of health
There’s enough for all to share the Spirit’s wealth.

Hoping, for a welcome space.
Learning, we are full of Grace.
Finding, there is love for all.
Sharing, in God’s healing Call.

We are here to love each other every day,
Caring and forgiveness is the Jesus way.
We have lots of fun and work for others, too.
Every age is called to action; so are you.

Hoping, for a welcome space.
Learning, we are full of Grace.
Finding, there is love for all.
Sharing, in God’s healing Call.”

As we celebrate Welcome Sunday, we will begin our service with this lively hymn with words by S. Diane Trollope of Sudbury, Ontario.  The tune is ARGENTINA, the melody for the hymn “May the God of Hope Go With Us” (VU #424)

“Come In, Come In and Sit Down” (VU #395)

“Come in, come in and sit down,church-family-images-_4440318_orig
You are a part of the family.
We are lost and we are found,
And we are a part of the family.

You know the reason why you came,
Yet no reason can explain;
So share in the laughter and cry in the pain,
For we are a part of the family.

God is with us in this place,
Like a mother’s warm embrace.
We’re all forgiven by God’s grace,
For we are a part of the family.

There’s life to be shared in the bread and the wine,
We are the branches, Christ is the vine.
This is God’s temple, it’s not yours or mine,
But we are a part of the family.

There’s rest for the weary and health for us all;
There’s a yoke that is easy, and a burden that’s small.
So come in and worship and answer the call,
For we are a part of the family.”

This family song became known to United Church congregations in the arrangement made by Darryl Nixon for the hymn book supplement Songs for a Gospel People (1987). Singer songwriter James K. Manley, the composer of this hymn, is a minister in the United Church of Christ (USA). “Part of the Family” reminds both members and visitors that our congregation is an open, diverse group that welcomes people of all ages, every marital status, and all views, interest levels, and stages in the faith journey.

Hear the hymn sung by Strathroy United Church at:

“Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love” (VU #593)

“Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love,
Show us how to serve the neighbours we have from you.

Kneels at the feet of his friends,
Silently washes their feet,
Master who acts as a slave to them.

Neighbours are rich and poor,
Varied in colour and race,
Neighbours are near and far away.

These are the ones we should serve,
These are the ones we should love,
All are neighbours to us and you.

Kneel at the feet of our friends,
Silently washing their feet,
This is the way we should live with you.”

The melody for this hymn is a Ghanian folk tune. The words reference John 13:1-17, where Jesus washes the feet of the disciples in a direct example of servant leadership, and go on to also encourage us serve our neighbours.

Hear the hymn sung in worship at Strathroy United at:

“For the Gift of Creation” (VU #538)

“For the gift of creation, the gift of your love,
And the gift of the Spirit by which we live,
We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands.
May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.”

Our offering response is from the United Methodist Book of Worship (1991) and is especially appropriate as we enter the church season of Creation.  The composer, Steve Garnaas-Holmes is a United Methodist pastor in Montana.

“Draw the Circle Wide” (MV #145)

“Draw the circle wide.  Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song, no one stands alone, standing side by side,
Draw the circle wide.

God the still-point of the circle,
‘Round whom all creation turns;

nothing lost, but held forever,circle wide
In God’s gracious arms.

Let our hearts touch far horizons,
So encompass great and small;

Let our loving know no borders,
Faithful to God’s call.

Let the dreams we dream be larger
Than we’ve ever dreamed before;

Let the dream of Christ be in us,
Open every door.”

This now-familiar hymn of inclusion was written by Gordon Light of the Common Cup Company in 1994.  It was arranged by Michael Bloss in 1998.  The Common Cup Company is a musical group featuring songwriters Gordon Light & Ian Macdonald.  Their musical ministry began in 1979 when Light (an Anglican Priest and later Bishop), met Ian Macdonald and Jim Uhrich (both United Church ministers) while serving neighboring churches in Winnipeg, Canada.  Jim Uhrich also served as interim minister at Windsor Park United Church.  Bob Wallace joined the group in 1982, his voice strengthening and enriching the group’s sound.  In the following decades this original quartet wrote, performed, & recorded together despite living in different corners the country.

Hear the hymn at:

“Halle, Halle, Halle” (VU #958)

“Halle, halle, hallelujah!
Halle, halle, hallelujah!
Halle, halle, hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!”

This traditional liturgical text is set to music by the Iona Community (1990). We will be using it as our benediction response.


Each week we will be inviting you to ponder a question related to the week’s theme/message. 

This week’s “To Ponder” question is:

“When have you been challenged by an unexpected source to change your views on something about which you feel strongly?”

Categories: Notes on the Notes