Notes on the Notes – October 1, 2017

This week’s theme: 

The Path to Reconciliation

This week’s scripture readings:

Psalm 25:1-8  Philippians 2:1-13

This week’s music:

“Come Just as You Are”

Come just as you are,
Hear the Spirit call.Come, just as you are
Call just as you are –
Come and see, come, receive, come and live forever

Life everlasting and strength for today
Taste the living water and never thirst again.”

Hear Crystal Lewis sing the song at:

“We are All One People” (MV #141)

“We are all one people,
We all come from one Creation way on high.
We are all one nation under one great sky, you and I.
We are all one people, we are all one colour in her/his eyes.”

This song is by Saskatchewan Cree composers Joseph Naytowhow and Cheryl L’Hirondelle. It was written in 2000.

“Faith, Hope and Love”

“Faith, hope and love – this is what we long for.
Faith, hope and love – this is what we need.
Faith, hope and love – this is what we cry, hope and love
Oh, teach us how to live.

Trust in the Truth – this is what we long for.
Trust in the Truth – this is what we need.
Trust in the Truth – this is what we cry for.
Oh, teach us how to live.

Patience within…

Freedom for all…
Faith, hope and love…”

This song was written in 1994 by Trisha Watts.

“This Path We Walk”

Apology Cairn - Manitou Conference

Apology Cairn – Manitou Conference

“This path we walk through joy and tears,
A living Way of faith and fears,
Through each step’s risk, each sorrows pain,
When walked in love, we’ll rise again.

When life is shared together free
We’ll grow to be all we can be
A circle wide will call us home
When wrapped in love we’re not alone.

These gifts we bring, this light we hold,
Our songs of grace, our stories told,
Remain undone, told just in part,
Til shared in love, and known by heart.

When life is shared, together bound
God’s richest gifts, together found.
Together walk the Spirit’s Way
When love’s the guide, we shall not stray.


The lyrics for this song are by S. Curtis Tufts, a United Church minister in Spruce Grove, Alberta. They were written in 2016, the 30th Anniversary of the United Church of Canada’s apology to First Nations Peoples.
“I was a commissioner from Saskatchewan Conference at the 1986 General Council in Sudbury and have a vivid memory of the evening when the Apology was brought on our behalf by the Moderator to the waiting Elders. The whole council was gathered in an amazing circle dance around a bonfire as the Moderator and Elders met in a tipi nearby. I remember clearly the strong feeling that we were in the midst of a historic turning point kind of moment. I hope that, as a part of our acknowledging the anniversary of that moment, this hymn will remind us of the need to continue faithfully on the journey that was begun then.”

“Stir Us, Lord”

Stir up in our hearts, oh, Lord, what you want us to do.
You showed your love upon the cross. We want to give of our lives to you.

Show us the faces of all of those in need.jlu heart light
Move us to action,
Giving with a joyful heart,
Loving is the place to start.
Let your spirit plant the seed.

With gifts we’ve been given help us see where we fit in.
We’re part of one family,
Knowing that we have a place,
Serving by your gift of grace.
Keep your spirit stirred within.”

This song by Hans Peterson and Meg Sander (1993) asks God to bring the needs of others to our hearts and minds and reminds us of the many ways we can give of ourselves.

“Kingsfold Communion Set” (MV #203-205)

bannockHoly, Holy, Holy
O holy, holy, holy God,
O God of time and space.
All earth and sea and sky above bear witness to your grace.
Hosanna in the highest heav’n, creation sings your praise.
And blessed is the One who comes and bears your name always!

Memorial Acclamation
Sing Christ has died and Christ is risen, Christ will come again!
Sing Christ has died and Christ is risen, Christ will come again!

Great Amen
Amen, amen, O Holy One! Hosanna and Amen!
Amen, amen, O Holy One! Hosanna and Amen!

This musical setting of three elements of the communion liturgy is by William S. Kervin and Paul Stott, using the traditional melody, KINGSFOLD.

“All My Relatives”

“Listen my sister, listen my brother,
        So many features, so many colors;
        I have not loved you like I should love you if I believe that God is love.

United Church Crest

United Church Crest

Every face, all my relatives.
Every race, all my relatives.
Every place, all my relatives
Hear creation sing,
One with everything.

 Where there is hurting,
We share the hurting,

Where there is justice,
We share the justice.

Where there is mercy,
We share the mercy if we believe that God is love…

Where there is suffering we share the suffering
Where there is praising, we share the praising
Where there is freedom, we share the freedom if we believe that God is love…”

This song was written by Larry Olson and Karol Baer in 1992.

“Companions on the Journey”

“We are companions on the journey,
Breaking bread and sharing life;
And in the love we bear is the hope we share
For we believe in the love of our God,
We believe in the love of our God.

No longer strangers to each other;weareone
No longer strangers in God’s house;
We are fed and we are nourished by the strength of those who care,
By the strength of those who care.

We have been gifted with each other,
And we are called by the Word of the Lord
To act with justice, to love tenderly,
And to walk humbly with our God,
To walk humbly with our God.

We are companions on the journey…”

This song, written by Carey Landry, is based on Micah 6:8 and Matthew 7:7.

“May We Rise”

“May We Rise” was one of the songs selected by a Canadian ecumenical committee and the World Council of Churches to be part of the worship material for 2015′s  Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The song was written by Pat Mayberry and John Wesley Oldham and has been arranged for piano by David Kai.

“May we rise with all Creation as the Spirit gives us strength.
May we heed the inner wisdom that God’s loving knows no length.
May we be a faith filled people, living out compassion’s way.
May we find the heart-felt courage to embrace the dawning day.

May we walk to meet the shadows of our woundedness and grief.
May we trust the Holy Spirit to bring healing and relief.
May we live with Love and justice, bring Your messages of Peace.
May we know the guiding power of Your gift of Grace released.

May we reach beyond the bound’ries of the walls that do divide.
May we feel the gift of Presence in Life’s circle with no sides.
May we listen for Your calling, hearts be open to Your Way.
May we live as one in Christ. As one people, God we pray.

May we rise. Let the songs of Love be sung.
May we rise. Sisters, brothers we are one, we are one.



Categories: Notes on the Notes