Notes on the Notes – April 28, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter

This week’s music: 

“Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Give Thanks” (VU #179)

“Hallelujah, hallelujah. Give thanks to the risen Christ.
Hallelujah, hallelujah. Give praise to God’s name.

Jesus is Lord of all the earth,
Firstborn of all creation.


Spread the good news o’er all the earth:
Jesus has died and is risen.


We have been crucified with Christ,
Now we shall live forever.


Come let us praise the living God,
Joyfully sing to our Saviour.


The text of this hymn is a series of paraphrases from the letters of Paul.  The words and music are by Donald Fishel (1971) with descant by Betty Pulkingman (1987).   Darryl Nixon created this arrangement for publication in the United Church hymn supplement Songs for a Gospel People (1987).

“Alleluia” (MV #50)

“Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.”

Our sung response to the Words of Assurance has music written by Norah Duncan IV (1987).

“Draw the Circle Wide” (MV #145)

“Draw the circle wide.  Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song, no one stands alone,
Standing side by side, draw the circle wide.

God the still-point of the circle,
‘Round whom all creation turns;
nothing lost, but held forever,
In God’s gracious arms.

Let our hearts touch far horizons,
So encompass great and small;
Let our loving know no borders,
Faithful to God’s call.

Let the dreams we dream be larger
Than we’ve ever dreamed before;

Let the dream of Christ be in us,
Open every door.”

This hymn of inclusion was written by Gordon Light of the Common Cup Company in 1994 and arranged by Michael Bloss in 1998.  If God’s love is the centre point of our lives, everything we do ripples out from God’s love and grows to encompass everyone we meet.

“We meet you, O Christ” (VU #183)

“We meet you, O Christ, in many a guise;
Your image we see in simple and wise.
You live in a palace, exist in a shack.
We see you, the gardener, a tree on your back.

In millions alive, away and abroad;
Involved in our life you live down the road.
Imprisoned in systems you long to be free.
We see you, O Jesus, still bearing your tree.

We hear you, O Christ, in agony cry.
For freedom you march, in riots you die.
Your face in the papers we read and we see.
The tree must be planted by human decree. 

You choose to be made at one with the earth;
The dark of the grave prepares for your birth.
Your death is your rising, creative your word:
The tree springs to life and our hope is restored.”

Fred Kaan wrote the words for this hymn for a BBC television program entitled “The Tree Spring to Life” (1966). The idea for the program came from a photograph of an apple tree growing amid the rubble of  bombed Church of St. Andrew’s in Plymouth. The program was part of the series “Seeing and Believing.” The tune LIFE was written by Peter D. Smith (1969) and arranged by Peter R. Walker (1993).

Hear the tune on piano at:

“I Will Love the Lord” 

“I will love the Lord,
I will love the Lord with all my heart,
Mind, soul, and strength;
And my neighbour,
My neighbour as myself.

Let no wall divide us now.
Let nothing come between.
In differences our strength be found;
The bonding love of Christ be seen.

I will love the Lord,…”

This week’s anthem is by Sheldon Curry and was written in 2003.  The words of the chorus are often referred to as the “Great Commandment” and are found in the gospels of Matthew (22:36-40), Mark (12:28-31) and Luke (10:27).

Hear the song sung by The Harmony Singers in 2022:

“Grant Us, God, the Grace of Giving” (VU #540)

“Grant Us, God, the grace of giving,
With a spirit large and free,
That ourselves and all our living
We may offer faithfully.”

The text of our offering response for the Easter season comes from the Mennonite hymn book, “Hymnal: a Worship Book.” The tune is a familiar one which is also used for the Advent hymn “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”  (VU #2).

“Let Us Build a House (All are Welcome)” (MV #1)

“Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live,
a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.
Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace;
Here the love of Christ shall end divisions:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

Let us build a house where prophets speak, and words are strong and true,
Where all God’s children dare to seek to dream God’s reign anew.
Here the cross shall stand as witness and as symbol of God’s grace;
Here as one we claim the faith of Jesus:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

Let us build a house where love is found in water, wine and wheat;
A banquet hall on holy ground, where peace and justice meet.
Here the love of God, through Jesus, is revealed in time and space;
As we share in Christ the feast that frees us;
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

Let us build a house where hands will reach beyond the wood and stone
To heal and strengthen, serve and teach, and live the Word they’ve known.
Here the outcast and the stranger bear the image of God’s face;
Let us bring an end to fear and danger;
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

Let us build a house where all are named, their songs and visions heard
And loved and treasured, taught and claimed as words within the Word.
Built of tears and cries and laughter, prayers of faith and songs of grace;
Let this house proclaim from floor to rafter;
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.”

Our closing hymn of welcome and inclusion was written by Marty Haugen in 1994.  Each verse of the hymn shares the dream of what God’s house can be.  What are our dreams for Windsor Park United Church?  Going into the future, what role do we each play in making this a welcoming place?

Hear the hymn at:

“Amen” (VU #974)

“Amen, amen, hallelujah, amen!
Amen, amen, hallelujah, amen!”

Our benediction response was written by Jim Strathdee (1985).

Categories: Notes on the Notes