June 24th Bulletin

June 24, 2018                                 The Ten Commandments – Part 3

(Portions of the service that are in BOLD are to be said by all.

All points marked * those who are able are invited to stand.)


Gathering Song VU #324 – “Jesus, Come to Our Hearts”

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

One:    God wants us to serve God alone, and to serve according to God’s Word.

All:      We come together to worship you God.

One:    God wants us to speak of God only with deep respect and love.

All:      We come together to worship you God.

One:    God wants us to attend faithfully the assembly of God’s people  on the day of rest.

All:      We come together to worship you God.

One:    God wants us to everyday to let the Lord work in us through his Spirit.

All:      We come together to worship you God so that we might live as you want in the world. Let us worship our loving God in song and word.

*     Opening Hymn VU #293 – “We Praise You, Creator”

Prayer of Approach and Confession

            Loving God, we come together to worship you, so that we might learn how you desire us to live. You ask us to honour one’s father and mother. God of grace, help us to live as your servants, giving respect to all, and love to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

You tell us that we shall not murder. God of love, help us to be reconciled with each other, and to overcome evil with good.

You encourage us to honour others by helping us see that we shall not steal. God of forgiveness let us be honest in all we do, and to care for those in need. 

You challenge us God, asking that we shall not give false testimony against your neighbour. God of courage, help us always to speak the truth.


Finally You ask of us that shall not covet. God of the incarnation, help us to remember Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’, and help us to love our neighbours as ourselves; for his sake.

Help us to remember that worship is a time that we come to hear your words for our lives. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Passing of the Peace

Hymn MV #57– “I’ll Praise Eternal God”

The Word

& Scripture Reading: Exodus 20: 12-21

Matthew 22: 34-40

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.


           Meditation – “The Second Table(t)”

(a quiet time for your personal reflection and prayer)

The Response

*        Offering / Response (VU# 542)

            We give you but your own,

            What-e’er the gift may be,

            All that we have is yours alone,

            We give it gratefully.

Children’s Time – Rules for Cats and People!

Pastoral Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer

*        Closing Hymn VU #633 – “Bless Now, O God, the Journey”

*        Commissioning / Benediction

*        Response:

                Send us out in the power of your Spirit, Lord!

               May our lives bring Jesus to the world.

               May each thought and word bring glory to your name.

               Send us out in Your Spirit, Lord, we pray.


Patrick Woodbeck, Minister                                                       Laura Steidl, Music Director Heather Karavas, Office Administrator                                          Myrna Hagues, Organist

Sarah Closen, Liturgist                                                                           Gina Grant, Custodian

Welcome Ministry: Pat Lumsden, Ron & Beth Kubik


Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship