Jan. 20/19 Bulletin

January 20, 2019                                        2nd Sunday after Epiphany

(Portions of the service that are in BOLD are to be said by all.

All points marked * those who are able are invited to stand.)


Gathering song – “Sing a New Church” 

Summoned by the God who made us

Rich in our diversity,

Gathered in the name of Jesus,

Richer still in unity:


Let us bring the gifts that differ

And in splendid,  varied ways,

Sing a new church into being,

One in faith and love and praise.


Trust the goodness of creation;

Trust the Spirit strong within.

Dare to dream the vision promised,

Sprung from seed of what has been.


Let us bring…


Bring the hopes of ev’ry nation;

Bring the art of ev’ry race.

Weave a song of peace and justice;

Let it sound through time and space.


Let us bring…


Welcome, lighting the candle and Announcements

Call to Worship

One:    Gift-giver, you call us together,

All:      with our different gifts, our different ideas, our different tastes.

One:    You call us together,

All:      to share what makes us special, to build each other up, and to serve each                      other in love.

One:    You call us together,

All:      knowing that we need all parts of the body if we are to be whole.

One:    You call us together,

All:      to sing, to pray, to listen, to speak, and to be refreshed so that we can go out and serve.

*     Opening Hymn VU #101 – “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise”

Prayer of Approach and Confession

            Your love, O God, is as large as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches higher than the clouds in the sky. Your justice is like the majestic mountains—firm and unshakeable. And yet, in your greatness, you care for all of creation—people and animals alike, giving each one of us gifts to be used in service to others, but sometimes we cannot recognize what gift we have to share, so we hide it under a bushel. God you remind us that all gifts are needed, but sometimes we let ourselves be convinced that some gifts are more special than others. God you call us to work, to live, to love together as parts of one body, but sometimes we decide that membership in the body is limited by our understandings.  God, for the times we have ignored or mislabeled Your gifts, for those times we have cut another off from the body, we ask for forgiveness and grace.                    …a time of silent prayer…


Words of Assurance

Passing the Peace

Time for all ages

*   Hymn MV #97 – “Listen, God is Calling”

Listen, God is calling, through the Word inviting,

                 offering forgiveness, comfort and joy.

The Word

& Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11

John 2: 1-11

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.

Thanks be to God.

Sermon – “Fill the jars with water.”

(a quiet time for your personal reflection and prayer)

Anthem – “My Song to the Lord”

The Response

*               Offering / Response: “These Gifts We Bring”

            These gifts we bring with grateful hearts,

            To reconcile, make new,

            Gather us in grace, show us the way,

            To live our lives in Truth

            To share Your love in all we do.

Offering Dedication

Prayers of the People/Pastoral Prayer:

One:    God of wedding parties and new wine, of love and laughter, dancing and singing, we pause to pray for those among your worldwide family who today may be feeling left out in the cold.

All:      Bless the many people who must toil for such long hours that there is no time or energy to laugh or sing.

One:    Bless your children who feel so demeaned and exploited that they view even angels of mercy with suspicion and fear.

All:      Bless the many folk who are caught in vicious circles of evil and can see no way to escape.

One:    Bless those in your world who hunger or struggle due to natural disaster, climate change, war, and violence.

 All:      Bless all those who want in this world of plenty, may we learn to share the plentiful blessings of our lives.

One:    Bless those among your children whose every waking hour is spent in pain, and whose sleep is at the best fitful.

All:      Bless those people who are drawn to Christ and new life, yet who fear the scorn of family, friends or workmates.

One:    Bless your children who once tasted the new wine of Christ but have now slipped away into indifference, or maybe despair.

All:      Bless those folk who with much trembling, hand their lives over to you this day. May they find faith and courage for the days to come.

One:    Bless the people of your church, especially those we lift up in prayer to you today….. (prayer list), may abundant love flow in our prayers and our prayers flow into generous words and   deeds.

All:      In the name of the Christ who makes all things new.

One:    Let us continue to pray in the words that Jesus taught us;

All:      Our Father who art in heaven……

*   Closing Hymn MV #171 – “Christ Has No Body Now but Yours”

*               Commissioning / Benediction

*   Response (tune VU #374)

                        Called as partners in Christ’s service,

                        Called to ministries of grace,

                        We respond with deep commitment

                        Fresh new lines of faith to trace.

                        May we learn the art of sharing,

                        Side by side and friend with friend,

                        Equal partners in our caring

                        To fulfill God’s chosen end.


Rev. Dr. Bob Galston, Minister                                                  Laura Steidl, Music Director Heather Karavas, Office Administrator                                          Myrna Hagues, Organist           Judi Olson-Chiswell, Liturgist                                                                Gina Grant, Custodian

Welcome Ministry: Heather Karavas, Gloria Waldron, Judi Olson-Chiswell

This bulletin was sponsored by Beverly Baker in loving memory of George Baker.

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship