Jan. 20/19 Announcements

OUR MISSION                                                                                        

Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshiping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation.

*Here at WPUC we are endeavoring to become a scent-free environment*


January 20th – January 26th, 2019

Today            10am         Used Book Sale!

Monday         1pm           UCW Unit 5 meeting

                       6:15pm     Sparks & Brownies

Tuesday        1pm           Art Group

Wednesday  9:30am      Tot Time

                       11:30am    Soup & Sandwich @Prendergast Centre

Thursday      9:30am      Morning Study Group

                       7:45pm     Worship Choir practice

Next Sunday   10:30am     Worship Service

*If you need hearing assist, please ask a member of our Welcome Ministry*

Worship Council is on coffee time this week! Finance Committee:  you’re on deck for next week!

Those who sponsored Sunday bulletins in 2019, to pay the $20.25 per Sunday, write Bulletins 2019 on your offering envelope or cheque memo line! Thank you!

For those congregants who subscribe to The United Church Observer magazine, the subscription renewal paperwork arrived this week! Please submit your $25 renewal at the office, or place in a marked envelope with your name in our offering plate! For those who would like to subscribe, please contact the office!

A message from our Ministry & Personnel Committee:

Administrative Assistant Required:

Windsor Park United Church is looking for an enthusiastic, experienced administrative assistant to fill a full time position (30 hours per week). We are looking for the following skill sets and experience:

  • Above average administrative skills, communication, interpersonal skills
  • 2 or more years experience in an administrative role
  • Effective organizational, time management and multi-tasking skills
  • Detail orientated
  • Strong command of office administrative functions such as Microsoft Office products (ex. Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook)
  • Working knowledge of website updates
  • Some accounting knowledge would be an asset

If you are seeking a rewarding career in a dynamic environment, we invite you to apply. Please forward cover letter and resume to Gloria Saindon- gloriadrs@shaw.ca

Thursday Morning Study Group has started again! All are welcome to come and join in on the study and discussion. The study this time around is called “Who Is Jesus?” by Louie Giglio. After this 5 week study is completed, we will be watching and discussing APTN’s First Contact. Jan. 17 was session #2.

Watch for the Wednesday Evening Study Group restarting February 6 with the study “Waking Up In The World”.

This will be an evening of coffee, conversation and the video presentations to heal our hearts, cultivate courage, and inspire action. More information coming soon…

Are you on the Congregational Email list?

Congregational emails are sent out weekly with the News Blast of events at the church.  It is also the way we notify people of time-sensitive news, recent deaths or illness in the congregation (with permission from the person/family).  We may also use this list to notify you of church closure for weather events.  To get added to the Congregational Email list, just call the church office!


You may also want to subscribe to follow our website via email.  If you are subscribed to the website, any new posts added to the website are sent to your email.  This includes:  the weekly bulletin and announcements, Notes on the Notes, and videos and photos posted to the website.   To subscribe to the website, type your email address into the box at the bottom of the website that reads “Email address” under the heading “Follow the WPUC Website via email” and then click “Follow.”


Birthdays & Anniversaries!

Annalynn Czarnecki                                                 Andrea Dumont

Lenore Floyde                                                         Stephanie Glover

Janna Hes-Jobin                                                         Dorothy Martin

Marlene McKay                                                                    Ava Pikl

Karen Robertson                                                                Eric Small

Kathryn Wilson                                                               Emily Wright


Glenn & Kim Wark

Thanks to Rev. Dr. Robert Galston for leading worship today!

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship