It’s Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Hi everyone!  It is National Volunteer Week and we want to celebrate all that you have done to ensure our community is well served by Windsor Park United Church.

Volunteering is a voluntary act, where you freely give your time and labour in service of the community, and volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. Volunteering allows you to connect to the Windsor Park United Church community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference.

So many of you have certainly given your time, talent and commitment over the years to WPUC.  Everything that we accomplish could not be possible without you!

Thank you for:

A – ACTS of kindness that build a caring community

B – BUILDINGS and Grounds folks who lovingly care for the physical space

C – welcoming CHILDREN and creating a CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY

D – DOING your part, whether large or small

E – EXECUTIVE COUNCIL – the group who oversees everything we do

F – FUND-RAISING – for general needs and special projects – building expansion, lift, parking lot, grand piano, and more!

G – Friendly GREETERS who make everyone feel welcome

H – being will to work HARD and be HELPFUL

I – INSPIRING each other

J – those who bring JOY to the building and make us laugh in challenging times

K – KITCHEN cleaners, organizers and tidiers

L – LITURGISTS who help lead worship

M – MUSICIANS for their commitment in sharing their talent

N – everyone who sees a NEED and jumps in to help

O – OFFERING Counters who help keep the books balanced and those who help with community OUTREACH

P – those who love to PLANT and garden who take care of our beautiful butterfly garden and grounds

Q – QUALITY time spent working together for a common goal

R – those who offer their skills as a RESOURCE

S – your many ways of offering SUPPORT

T – working TOGETHER for the good of all and TECHNOLOGY leaders who help get our message into the world

U – U.C.W. ladies and everything that they do and have done for the past 61 years!

V – VOLUNTEERS who choose to make WPUC a priority in their lives

W – Providing and serving food for WEST Broadway Community ministry

X – all of the X-TRAs that happen behind the scenes and without a lot of fanfare

Y – YOU are the church!  Windsor Park United is just a building without YOU here!

Z – ZILLIONS of other reasons that we don’t have room for here…

Whether in front or behind the scenes, we are thankful for your commitment to Windsor Park United Church!

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements