It’s That Time of Year!

Cold, Flu and COVID season is upon us!

Just a reminder to please stay home from church if you are feeling ill.  Catch up on WPUC services via our livestream on Sundays or YouTube channel anytime.  

Windsor Park United Church is mask-friendly!  Over the past two weeks we have heard of quite a few cases of COVID in the congregation, so you may want to consider masking when in the building.   Thank you to those who have notified the office of illness – this helps inform our masking protocols at church.  We wish you a speedy recovery!

If you are testing for COVID at home, please note that the latest testing advice is to test a few times as you may not get a positive test for 3-4 days after the onset of symptoms.  Even if it’s “just” a cold, please protect others by staying home. 

As new vaccines are becoming available, you are also encouraged to stay up-to-date on your vaccines. 

Categories: General News