Faith in Action – October 18, 2023

  1. Livestream – We are still looking for 2 or 3 more people to learn how to livestream – all training supplied and we won’t leave you on your own until you feel ready!  Your commitment would be one Sunday per month.  This ministry brings our Sunday morning service to those who cannot attend in person and, as we enter the fall viral season, will continue to be an important ministry in our building. (If you know a young person looking for volunteer hours, please let them know about this opportunity!) Call the church office at 204-256-8792 for more information.


    Calling all bakers! Bakers are needed to supply cookies for meals that we will be preparing and delivering to the West Broadway soup kitchen in the coming months. The guests who come to the site for an evening meal are especially fond of homemade treats—which they seldom get. If you can bake and donate a few dozen cookies of any kind (at any time that suites your schedule), please label the package “FOR WEST BROADWAY” and bring your donation to the church during office hours or before Sunday worship at the church. Gwen or Sue will gratefully accept your donation and store it in the freezer until the next meal preparation / delivery day. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

  3. Telephone/Visiting buddies – Pastoral care is a vital role in the life and work of the church.  We could use a few more people to help in this area.  If you would like to be a part of the group calling or visiting others in the congregation, please let the office know.

  4. Early notice!  We will be having our annual Cookie Walk on Saturday, December 2, so it’s time to start thinking about what you would like to bake and watching for sales on baking ingredients!

Book sale – Thank you to Edna, Alana and Shirley for bringing back our book sale. $70.00 was raised this month!

Harvest Manitoba – Thank you to everyone who donated to Harvest Manitoba!  Items have been packed and have gone to Harvest.

After church coffee – Thank you to those who have hosted coffee time after church and also to those who have donated treats and helped out with serving!  If you would like to help with this, please sign up by the office.

Soup lunch – Thanks to Maxine and Crew for all their work toward an after-church Soup fundraiser this Sunday!

Offering counters – Thank you to those who have answered this call!  Reminder to sign-up for the weeks you would like to count.  Sign-up sheets are by the office. 

Greeters  & Liturgists – Thank you to everyone who offered to welcome people to church on Sunday mornings in the role of greeters and to those who are on our list of liturgists to help lead worship on Sunday morning!

Thank you to Bill, Carol, Beth and Ron for getting the WPUC gardens ready for the winter season!

“Pitch-in Crew” – we have noticed lots of “little things” being done around the church.  Thank you! You are the unsung heroes of Windsor Park United Church!


Faith Beyond Our Walls:

From Prairie to Pine Regional Office:

Call to Act: Join in Solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community  

“NEW: October 21 demonstrations against 2SLGBTQIA inclusion in schools 
On Saturday, October 21 the country will again see anti-2SLGBTQIA+ activists plan to rally at legislatures, government offices or legislatures, and school board offices across the country under the “1 Million March 4 Children” banner. While they claim to be in support of “parental rights,” this is explicitly an anti-2SLGBTQIA+ rally. Unfortunately, the demonstrations in September included many people of different faiths. Numerous social media posts noted the United Church’s presence with appreciation.
Please be aware that there will also be 2SLGBTQIA+ and allies events taking place the same day.  The Million March for Inclusion group on Facebook is tracking all events as best it can.

As an Affirming Regional Council, we encourage your ministry to be aware of the fear and hate that exist in so many of our communities, and the possibilities for a public, intentional, and explicit expression of God’s love. Christians need to publicly proclaim that love in word and deed, given the immense hurt already caused by this movement. “


NEW: United Church global partners in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. With the rest of the world, the people of the United Church are watching the terrible violence gripping Israelis and Palestinians, and longing for a different way forward. Prayer, checking in on our neighbours of different faiths and roots, honest and respectful conversations, and an eventual financial appeal are all choices we can make. In doing this, may we hold in our hearts and souls the horrific human and ecological impact of war.  

The United Church has particular connections to specific partner groups in the region. Here is the link to the global partner list (PDF). In Gaza, which is currently being bombed, Mission and Service supports the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees, which is a very longstanding partner of the United Church. Team Leader for Global Partnerships Patti Talbot said DSPR’s offices in Gaza were bombed and destroyed on October 16.

Categories: General News