Faith in Action – Help needed!

As we reconnect and move forward into the fall season, your help is currently needed in the following areas:

  1. Livestream – can you help keep this vital ministry going?  We are looking for 2 or 3 more people to learn how to livestream – all training supplied!  Your commitment would be one Sunday per month.  This ministry brings our Sunday morning service to those who cannot attend in person. Please call the church office at 204-256-8792 for more information.

  2. After church coffee hosts – if you enjoy the fellowship time after church, we are looking for hosts! For the month of August we are having lemonade and in September we will be having coffee.  The host(s) will make a couple of pitchers of lemonade to serve after church and wash up the cups.  In September, the hosts will make coffee and do clean-up of the cups. Providing cookies is not the job of the hosts, so if someone else feels like baking or bringing in cookies, it would be much appreciated!  After church fellowship is a great time to catch up, visit, and build community with others in the congregation. Sign-up sheets are by the office.

  3. Offering counters – this important job requires 2 people to count and balance the offering each week.  All training is provided.  Sign-up sheets are by the office.

  4. Liturgists – We are looking for 2-4 people to add their names to our current list of liturgists for the fall months.  The liturgist is the person who helps lead worship (usually the Call to Worship, opening prayer and scripture readings) and assists the guest worship leader each week as needed.  All training is provided.  Call Sue at the church office (204-256-8792) for more information.

Categories: General News