Faith in Action – April 17, 2024

ANNUAL MEETING – The Annual Congregational Meeting of Windsor Park United Church is on Sunday, April 21 following worship.  This meeting is open to all members and friends of WPUC and is an opportunity to show support, learn about and make decisions around where we want to go as a church moving forward.  As part of this faith community, we need your voice! 

The Annual Report, which shares what has happened at Windsor Park United Church during 2023, is available at: 

Paper copies are also available at the church.

Governing Body of WPUC – Thank you to everyone who serves on the Executive Team!  We have the “Group of 5,” plus other council/team leaders that make up the official board.  These people bring a passion for WPUC to their work.  They keep the church running, receive input, and make decisions on the congregation’s behalf.  There are also numerous other groups that oversee many areas within in the church.  Thank you to everyone who works on these groups as well.  (To see who does what at WPUC, please see the Annual Report).  If you are interested in joining one of the clusters, please call the church office for more information.

After church coffee – Thank you to everyone who has hosted coffee time after church and also to those who have donated treats and helped out with serving/washing up/putting away chairs, etc!  Please use the sign-up sheet in the lobby so we can let people know when we will be having coffee.  Also, feel free to bring treats for people to enjoy with their coffee! (no sign-up required!)

Morberg House collection – On Sunday, April 7, Marion Willis, Founding Director and Executive Director of St. Boniface Street Links joined us to speak about  Morberg House. Thank you to everyone who donated the food that will be shared with the residents!








Soup Lunch – Thank you to everyone who supported our last soup lunch.  $485 was raised!  A special thank you goes to the volunteers who prepared and served the lunch: Maxine Pattle, Keely Pattle, Leo Grandy, Margaret Grandy, Hannah Grandy and Gwen Polak – this time of food and fellowship was enjoyed by all who attended!

Used Book Sale –  Thank you to everyone who supported our Book Sale on April 14.  $110 was raised by this ongoing fund-raiser.  Special thanks to Edna Cechvala, Alana Davis, Shirley Goossen, Bruce Davis and Gord Goossen and also to those who stayed to help put away the books after the sale!

Worship Choir – Thank you to everyone who volunteers to lead the singing in worship! If you would like to join the Worship Choir from now until the end of June, please join us for practice on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.!

Offering counters – Thank you to those volunteers who continue to answer this call!  We are currently in need of offering counters for the rest of April and into May.  There is a sign-up sheet by the office and training is available if you want to give it a try!  Also, thank you to those who are willing to answer the “call” to bring the offering forward on a Sunday morning!

Pastoral Care Group – Thank you to those who are beginning work on the Pastoral Care Group! This important ministry helps to keep us organized as we care for each other.  If you are aware of anyone from our church community who might benefit from Pastoral Care support, you can speak with Sue Turley ( or 204-256-8792) to share discreetly.  If you have some time in your schedule to connect with a shut-in or hospitalized individual from our church community by phone or in person, please reach out to Pat Lumsden ( or 204- 254-6301) for more information.  Thank you to all who have already agreed to be a part of this most important team!

Worship Enhancement – Thank you to everyone who brought lilies to the church on Easter Sunday in memory of a loved one.  The lilies were beautiful and uplifting.  A few of the lilies were also passed along to congregation members or care homes to brighten their homes.

Little Free Library Guardians – Thank you to everyone who has been tidying our Little Free Library! As we move through spring with its windy/wet weather, please continue to keep an eye on our Little Free Library.  There is a latch at the bottom of each door to keep the rain out – if you are passing by and notice the doors are open, please close them so the books don’t get ruined!

SLEEP IN HEAVENLY PEACE –  In support of the local non-profit organization, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, we will be hosting a “Bed Build”.  On Saturday, May 25th.  We will meet in the church parking lot to provide the labour and work (assembly-line fashion) under the direction of a core group of volunteers from SIHP.  Our goal is to build 20 bed frames during the event.  NO BUILDING EXPERIENCE is required to participate and you are welcome to invite family and friends (18 years and older) who are interested in volunteering. Registration for the build is limited to 20 volunteers, so sign up now at the church! 

We are also collecting twin-sized bedding prior to the Bed Build (new sheets, comforters, blankets, pillows, and homemade blankets/quilts/afghans). The bedding donations will be presented shared with the SiHP team and will be used when the beds are delivered to children in need.

WE NEED MORE COOKIES for the end of APRIL!   As part of our Outreach to the community, Windsor Park United Church volunteers supply a monthly meal to the folks who attend West Broadway Community Ministry and homemade cookies are always a hit.  “Thank you” for your ongoing support in bringing in cookies for the team to take to WBCM!  If you can bake and donate a few dozen cookies of any kind, please label the package “FOR WEST BROADWAY” and bring your donation to the church during office hours or before Sunday worship at the church.  Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

“Pitch-in Crew” – Thank you to our un-named group of people who see a need and get it done!  Cleaning, tidying, sorting, delivering, minor repairs, visiting, chatting with new-comers, etc.  You are amazing!

Whether in front or behind the scenes, we are thankful for your faithful commitment to Windsor Park United Church!


Categories: General News