Calling all bakers!!

Do you like to bake??

Would you like to help??

At Windsor Park United, we LOVE our coffee after church!

But did you know that each of our councils and committees takes turns with supplying baking?

and that some of our councils are very small (3-4 people)?

and that some months have 5 Sundays to provide baking for?????

If you like to bake, please feel free to drop off some cookies, muffins or cake for our weekly Sunday coffee after church!

If you bring your baking on a Sunday, please leave it in the downstairs kitchen, where it will be most gratefully accepted by the council on coffee.

If you bring it during the week, please label it SUNDAY COFFEE TIME and put it in the freezer in the north room and it will be used at a later date.oven-mitt

Thanks so much!!

*We don’t mind store-bought either!!


Categories: Councils, General News