Bulletin – Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sixth Sunday of Creation

World Wide Communion


Gathering Song – VU #305 – “Into the Unshaped Silence”

Welcome, lighting the candle and announcements

Call to Worship

One: We are here together in the name of Christ Jesus,

All:  in the presences of an awesome, Holy Love.

One: A person without God is like a feather in a perpetual wind, blown all over the place without any control or choice in where to rest.

All:  O come, let us return to the living God, let us find our rest in God. Let us offer our songs and words of worship to the One who is our Maker.

Opening Hymn – VU # 460 – “All Who Hunger”

Prayer of Approach and Confession

Living God, we come to your now, in wonder. We have heard your works – as Creator, Upholder, In-dweller, Lover of all – and we have known you in our own times, in our own lives, in the lives of our neighbours. Before the mystery of your presence all around and within, it is right for us to be silent, and to offer thanks and praise.

Sung Response: “Be Still and Know that I am God”

But, living God, we also come to you in anger and despair. We look out, and see hungry children, see nations torn apart by war, see greed and corruption destroying the lives of millions. And we look within, and see our complicity in much of this, see our compromised lives, see our broken hearts, our broken promises; and before the mystery of evil that has run rampant and injustice unpunished, we ask, “Where were you, God, when all this went so wrong?”. Hear us as we lift our voices to you and cry “O God, why have you abandoned us?” In silence, then, before the mystery of your presence even when we don’t feel it, we wait upon you now. Amen.

Sung Response: “Be Still and Know that I am God”

Words of Assurance Passing the Peace

Hymn – “Increase Our Faith, O Lord”

The Word

Scripture Reading:

Habakkuk 1:1
Luke 17:5-10

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church
Thanks be to God!

Meditation – “Finding God!”

Anthem – “Sing Out Your Song, Christians of the World”

The Response

Offering / Response: “For the Gift of Creation”

For the gift of creation, the gift of your love,
And the gift of the Spirit by which we live,
We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands.
May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.


Prayers of the People

Closing Hymn – “Everything is Connected”

Commissioning / Benediction Response

Holy Spirit, teach us how to read the signs,
How to meet the challenge of our troubled times.
Love us into action, stir us into prayer,
Till we choose God’s life, and find our future there.

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship