Bulletin – Sunday, June 26, 2022 – Third Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, June 26, 2022
Third Sunday after Pentecost


Lighting the Christ Candle

As we light this candle today we are reminded that we are called and challenged to be a part of your mission in the world today. Warm us by the Spirit’s dancing tongues of flame, that we may feel your kindling blaze within, urging us to do your greater good. Make us wholly present to experience a new birth, and awaken possibilities within us to share your love in the world. In this love and abundance we come together today in worship, reminded by the light of the flame that the world waits just beyond these walls. Amen.

Call to Worship

One:   In the presence of Creator, we gather.
All:      People carrying burdens we may not know about looking for comfort; folks needing their spirits refreshed.

One:   We draw together hoping for that touch that will enliven us, longing to be embraced in arms of love and understanding
All:      Help us to put aside our differences and see the earth as you see it, boundary-free.

One:   You call us all: babies, toddlers on unsteady feet, school-age children with curious minds, teens with questing spirits, full of youthful confidence one moment and like frightened children the next.
All:      We are called, as adults trying to take good paths watching out for the next generations, and those easing into their winter years passing on our teachings.

One:   We are all kin in this meeting place whether we gather in person or through technology, our spirits joining to say meegwetch for all that we have been blessed with.
All:      Thanks be to God for the goodness in our lives. Amen.

Hymn – “This Path We Walk” 

This path we walk through joy and tears,
A living Way of faith and fears,
Through each step’s risk, each sorrows pain,
When walked in love, we’ll rise again.

When life is shared together free
We’ll grow to be all we can be
A circle wide will call us home
When wrapped in love we’re not alone.

These gifts we bring, this light we hold,
Our songs of grace, our stories told,
Remain undone, told just in part,
Til shared in love, and known by heart.

When life is shared, together bound
God’s richest gifts, together found.
Together walk the Spirit’s Way
When love’s the guide, we shall not stray.

Prayer of Approach and Confession

All encompassing God, you who called creation out of chaos. You breathed the sacred word Ruah (breath, Spirit) and life came into being. Your magnificence is a Holy Mystery that we are too human to be able to comprehend. We give thanks for that which is beyond our comprehension. It allows us to dream and imagine.

We give all praise and glory to you, Most Holy, for holding us in all the seasons of our days, to love, and to cherish, in this life, and in everlasting life. We are in awe of our covenanted love and journey with you.

Beckoning God, as you moved in the lives of Elijah and Elisha, move in our lives, inviting us to journey to unknown territory, to listen for your voice, and to speak your prophetic word in a world that does not want to hear. Empowered by your Spirit, grant us the courage we need to journey, trust, listen, speak, and accept your commission to be your faithful servant people.

Yet there are many times when we struggle to manifest the lives that you want us to live, but often find ourselves bound by works of the flesh. We know the whole law is summed up in the single commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves. Yet we create fences around ourselves to keep neighbours outside and tell ourselves we have no responsibility—it is our responsibility to teach our children and grandchildren and our Sunday school children that we are all one, united in our love and faithfulness as followers of the teachings of Christ. We are all our Creator’s beloved children.

Indigenous peoples have a saying, All My Relations. On the crest of the United Church of Canada, the four colours of the Medicine Wheel, yellow, red, black, and white, and the Mohawk works, for All My Relations, have been incorporated in the United Church crest since 2012. Indigenous spirituality, leadership, and participation are vital to the church’s life. Yet, even in our back yard we “bite and devour” one another. We with is were different.

When Jesus calls us to follow him, we find every excuse to instead go home or to the workplace to finish something more important first. Yet we yearn to be more centered on you and your desires for us. We ask all of this in the name of the one who came to show us the way, your son Jesus. Amen.

(adapted from Catherine Rolling)

Words of Assurance

Time for All ages

The Word

Scripture Reading:           2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14

1 Now when the LORD was about to take Elijah up to heaven by a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. 2 Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here; for the LORD has sent me as far as Bethel.” But Elisha said, “As the LORD lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel.

6 Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here; for the LORD has sent me to the Jordan.” But he said, “As the LORD lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So the two of them went on. 7 Fifty men of the company of prophets also went, and stood at some distance from them, as they both were standing by the Jordan. 8 Then Elijah took his mantle and rolled it up, and struck the water; the water was parted to the one side and to the other, until the two of them crossed on dry ground.

9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me what I may do for you, before I am taken from you.” Elisha said, “Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit.” 10 He responded, “You have asked a hard thing; yet, if you see me as I am being taken from you, it will be granted you; if not, it will not.” 11 As they continued walking and talking, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elijah ascended in a whirlwind into heaven. 12 Elisha kept watching and crying out, “Father, father! The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” But when he could no longer see him, he grasped his own clothes and tore them in two pieces.

13 He picked up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. 14 He took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, saying, “Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?” When he had struck the water, the water was parted to the one side and to the other, and Elisha went over.

Scripture Reading:           Luke 9:51-62

51 When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. 52 And he sent messengers ahead of him. On their way they entered a village of the Samaritans to make ready for him; 53 but they did not receive him, because his face was set toward Jerusalem. 54 When his disciples James and John saw it, they said, “Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” 55 But he turned and rebuked them. 56 Then they went on to another village.

57 As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” 58 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” 59 To another he said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” 60 But Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” 61 Another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” 62 Jesus said to him, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
Thanks be to God!

Meditation – “To Truly Follow”

Hymn – “I Feel the Winds of God”

I feel the winds of God today,
Today my sail I lift,
Though heavy oft with drenching spray
And torn with many a rift;
If hope but light the water’s crest,
And Christ my bark will use,
I’ll seek the seas at his behest,
And brave another cruise.

It is the wind of God that dries
My vain regretful tears,
Until with braver thoughts shall rise
The purer, brighter years;
If cast on shores of selfish ease
Or pleasure I should be,
O let me feel you freshening breeze,
And I’ll put back to sea.

If ever I forget your love
And how that love was shown,
Lift high the bloodred flag above;
It bears your name alone.
Great pilot of my onward way,
You will not let me drift.
I feel the winds of God today;
Today my sail I lift.

The Response

Prayers of the People

One:   For all the blessings of this life, we give thanks to You, Creator God. For families, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and strangers, who nurture us, that the love of God may grown within. That Your love, Your Word, like a seed, may grow to produce in us, good fruit. Hear our prayers to you this day.
All:      May your love be like a seed, taking root and growing strong.

One:   For the leaders of various nations and cities, that they may lead with strong hearts and gentle hands and generous spirits, with compassion and mercy, with wisdom and grace. May they reflect your will guiding all their actions and decisions. Hear our prayers to you this day.
All:      May your love be like a seed, taking root and growing strong.

One:   For those who serve in harms way, those who live in dangerous places, those who line in areas of war and strife, those who live in fear, those who worry about employment, bills, food, and struggle just to find dignity in life. May your grace bring peace and safety to all people, one to another. Hear our prayers to you this day.
All:      May your love be like a seed, taking root and growing strong.

One:   For those who suffer from any illness or disease—of mind, body, or spirit. Restore these, and all those we carry in our hearts, to fullness of health—health as only you, O God, can bring. As we lift to you this day…May your mercy shower each of us with healing mercy and love. Hear our prayers to you this day.
All:      May your love be like a seed, taking root and growing strong.

One:   For those who are dying, and for those who have died. Send forth your comforting love. Give solace to those who mourn. Console those who grieve. May your grace surround us like a mantle upon our heads, a shawl upon our shoulders, a hand, to hold our hand. Hear our prayers to you this day.
All:      May your love be like a seed, taking root and growing strong. Amen.

(adapted from Terri)

Hymn – “We Will Follow”

We will follow, we will follow Jesus.
We will follow everywhere he goes.
We will follow, we will follow Jesus.
Everywhere he goes, we will follow.


May we travel our lands in gentle ways, caring for creation as in turn she cares for us. May your light and love encircle and envelop us all, as we rest in the promise of your abundance. Go in peace, with wisdom and gratitude. All My Relations. Meegwetch. Amen.


Grant to us your peace on earth,
Grant to us your peace, O God.

Categories: General News, Online Services, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship