Bulletin – June 2, 2019

Sunday, June 2, 2019
Seventh Sunday of Easter / Pride Sunday


Gathering Song – VU #316 “Praise Our Maker”

Welcome, and announcements

Lighting the Rainbow and the Christ Candles

One:   The lighting of a candle is a simple act yet becomes a powerful sign. For when we don’t have the words or don’t know how to pray, a small candle burning brightly expresses our prayer that is always within us – and becomes more powerful with each candle lit.
All:     May the flame of God’s Spirit lighten the darkness within and without – may the flame of God’s Spirit ignite our hearts and souls with joy.

(Lighting a candle in the face of fear)

One:   As we light his candle, we bring to our awareness the fears we experience and that surround us…the fear of intimacy, the fear of the future and being alone, the fear which is homophobia…
All:     May the Light of Christ dispel our fears.

(Lighting a candle in the face of violence)

One:   Let us remember all those who have experienced violence because of who they are – the violence of prejudice, of physical assault, of injustice…
All:     May the Light of Christ bring peace to the world.

(Lighting a candle in an age of HIV / AIDS)

One:   Let us remember those who have died of AIDS, those who live with HIV / AIDS, and those who fear HIV / AIDS.
All:     May the Light of Christ strengthen and heal us as we face these diseases, and may the Light of Christ remove all fear from our hearts.

(Lighting a candle of hope)

One:   Let us remember all who share the struggle for justice and hope.
All:     May our arms be open in our journey to embrace all who seek justice and come in peace.

(Lighting a candle of healing)

One:   Let us remember all on the path of healing – in body, mind, and spirit.
All:     May all whose lives touch ours know the power of forgiveness, love, and community.

(Lighting a candle of courage)

One:   Let us remember all who live life courageously – in their struggle with their own identity, in their struggle to live life and their significant relationships with integrity, in their working for equality and justice in society.
All:     May we find strength in ourselves and through one another to live life courageously and with integrity.

(Lighting a candle of community)

One:   Let us remember with thanks communities who are open in accepting, supporting, and celebrating. Let us remember with thanks our own experiences of community – in times of rejoicing, in hard times, in the very ordinary times and rhythms of life. Let us be mindful of those who, in quiet desperation, need so very much the support we have from time to time so wondrously received.
All:     May we give thanks for the strength of community, be open to our welcoming, and celebrate with joy and pride the diversity of gifts and people that weave this rich tapestry of life.

(Lighting the Christ Candle, a candle of resurrection)

One:   Let us give thanks for resurrection – for light in the midst of darkness, for life defeating death, for springs of living water bringing forth new and blossoming growth in parched and desert land, for the power of the risen Christ gifting us with new life, new hope, new courage.
All:     May our lives be signs of the risen Christ – bringing to this world of ours a light in darkness, a healing touch in pain, a resounding joyful voice of life and hope.

 Call to Worship

One:   Let us join together in a cherished prayer of the heart:
All:     My Beloved is mine, and I am my Beloved’s.

One:   Day after day I seek my Beloved; I seek but do not find. Have you seen my Beloved? Truth is her name!
All:     Waters cannot quench, nor floods drown Truth!

One:   I arise and go about the City; in the streets and in the squares I call for my Beloved: Justice is his name!
All:     Waters cannot quench, nor floods drown Justice!

One:   In the Church I seek my Beloved. With heart and soul, mind and strength: have you seen the one my soul loves? Hope is her name!
All:     Waters cannot quench, nor floods drown Hope!

One:   Have you seen my Beloved? At Home? In the City? In the Church? Passion is his name!
All:     Waters cannot quench, nor floods drown Passion!

One:   O friends and companions, come let us seek our most desired: Truth, Justice, Hope, Passion!
All:     Set us as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for Love is a strong as death. Waters cannot quench, nor floods drown Love!

One:   Let us enter into worship and proclaim:
All:     My Beloved is mine, and I am my Beloved’s!

(Based on Song of Songs 2:16; 3:1-3; 8:6-7.)

*     Opening Hymn – MV #89 “Love is the Touch”

Prayer of Approach

O Holy One, know to us in many ways, be present with us now.
We ask for your blessings as we rejoice as a community this day. Bless our pride that it be a humble reflection of gratitude for who it is you have created us to be.
Bless our celebration that it be an expression joy in love and in health.   Bless our laughter that it herald the building of friendships and relationships.
Bless those who may come to oppose us that our happiness may be contagious.  Bless our differences as a source of our strength and a sign of our respect for one another.
Bless those for whom it takes great courage to be here that they may feel the abundance of life.  Bless our calls for equity and freedom that we may both speak and hear your vision of justice and of peace.
Bless each one of use here today with your presence and our presence, one with another. All this we ask of you, O Holy One, for you are ever faithful to us. Rejoice with us today! Amen.

Passing the Peace

Time for all Ages

*   Hymn – “This is My Commandment” (see insert)

The Word

Scripture Readings:   John 17:20-26      Revelation 22:12-14; 16-17; 20-21

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
Thanks be to God.

Meditation – “Hope Weed”

(a quiet time for your personal reflection and prayer)

Anthem – “Love One Another”

The Response

*   Offering / Response: “He is Lord”
            He is Lord. He is Lord.
            He is risen from the dead and He is Lord.
            Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess,
            That Jesus Christ is Lord.

Prayer of Intersession

*   Closing Hymn – “Move in the World” (on insert)

*   Commissioning / Benediction

*   Response (VU #958)
                        Halle, Halle, Hallelujah!
                        Halle, Halle, Hallelujah!
                        Halle, Halle, Hallelujah!
                        Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today’s bulletin is sponsored by

Laurie Ringaert and Dana Stockwell

Categories: Sunday Bulletin and Announcements