Announcements – Sunday, September 6, 2020


Windsor Park United Church seeks to be a welcoming community. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we nurture our faith and spiritual life by: worshipping and learning together, caring for each other, embracing our diversity, reaching out to those who live around us and working together in service to Creation.

September 6 – 13, 2020

Sunday, September 6 (Communion) – On line Worship – watch your email for further information

Monday, September 7 – Labour Day (Office Closed)

Thursday, September 10 – Re-Opening Protocols Committee Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 13 – On line Worship – watch your email for further information

Scripture reading for September 13, 2020 is Exodus 14:19-31.

Deadline – Monday, September 7, 2020

We are planning a SouthWinds for mid-September and are in need of submissions. The last issue was so popular that we are keeping to that theme.

Since there has been little to no activity for the various church groups and councils, we invite stories of interesting experiences during this time of self-isolation and self-care. What are some of the uplifting experiences that you have had at this time? What did you do for your summer vacation (staycation)? How are you getting ready for re-openings? Have you had any special family gatherings that you would like to share?

All you crafty types, please submit stories and pictures of your isolation creations. Who binge watched a TV series and wants to share their insights? How many books have you completed from you “to-be-read” stash? Did your family adopt a new pet during this time? Share a story about how your pet has made this time a little more bearable.

Please send your submissions via email to The deadline for submissions is Monday, September 7, 2020.

From the Minister

If you feel the need to talk, to vent, to laugh, to hear another’s voice, please know that the phone and the email at the church will be constantly checked and so if you need to speak to me, please call and if we do not answer leave your name and number and I will call you back. We are in this together and will we get through this together, because that is what we do here at Windsor Park United Church

If You Are Inside the Church Building

If for any reason you enter the church building you will find a log book and hand sanitizer. We are asking that you sign the log book, record what areas of the building you are in and please use the hand sanitizer. This is to aid in keeping the building clean, sanitized, and safe.

Office Hours

Office hours will be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays beginning September 14, 2020. If you need assistance please call (204) 256-8792 and leave a voice message or email and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Bags for West Broadway Community Ministry

The Outreach Council is in need of clean plastic bread bags and blue plastic paper bags for the Tim Hortons reclamation project. If dropping them off at the church, leave them in the outside mail box and the bags will be picked up from there or contact Gwen Polak at (204) 256-8661 or email her at to arrange pick up.

Life, Work, Ministry, and Mission Support

If you would like to help out with the life, work, ministry, and mission of Windsor Park United Church and would like to donate online please follow the link below to our Canada Helps online donation page:, drop your offering in the church mailbox, use etransfer, or snail mail a cheque.

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements