1/2 Way Done

So, it has already been 3 weeks and I can’t believe how fast it has gone, only another 3 weeks and I will be flying home to Winnipeg. I am so looking forward to that day, it is tough being away for 6 weeks. I am still  waiting on my final marks for my first class and we have already had 2 assignments due in our current class with another 3 due this coming week; one on Monday, one on Wednesday and a final assignment due on Friday, which needs to be presented to the class. I am currently taking one of my core courses-United Church Worship- and it is interesting. We have been looking at the history of worship within the United Church, of which there is actually quite the liturgical history, believe it or not and writing specific sections of a service ourselves. This may seem rather straightforward until you come to the 2nd part of the assignment, which is justify the language and imagery used from a theological, thematic and pastoral perspective. In other words, why did we use the language we used, and we are not allowed to say “because I liked it.” The assignment due on Wednesday is around hymnody and we have to write 4 verses to a hymn of our choice, yeah, I agree this could be a real train wreck…..hahaha, we will have to see what happens.

I am hoping to get out today, as it is to be a sunny day, although it has been over 30 degrees here the last couple of day, but with the humidity it felt like over 36 degrees yesterday, so much for any hope of sleep. Tomorrow is supposed to be 33 degrees without the humidex, I don’t want to know what it is going to be with the humidity, but I suppose I will survive, just won’t sleep much. I will try to get some pictures today as I am out and about and we-4 of us from our first class-have been invited out on a boat this evening by another member of the class and his family. They invited us for dinner the first weekend we were here and now have extended another invitation, so I hope that I remember my camera.

This has been and continues to be a great experience, it is a whole lot of work, cramming full course loads of work in 2 weeks, but it is still amazing. I have met some great people-others who find themselves in the same situation as I am in-and I now understand when people in the church in Winnipeg were encouraging  me to become involved in a theological school community. There definitely is something to be said for this sense of community and all of us being 2nd career ministers, middle age and all the feelings that go along with that, so this is a good place for me to be at this time in my life. I do miss all the people at WPUC but time is flying past and I suppose I will be home before I know it.

I will try to post some picture tomorrow.



Categories: General News