January 13th, 2019 Bulletin

January 13, 2019                                                       Baptism of Jesus

(Portions of the service that are in BOLD are to be said by all.

All points marked * those who are able are invited to stand.)


Advent Video

Gathering song VU #82 – “A Light is Gleaming”

Welcome, lighting the candle and Announcements

Call to Worship

One:    The heavens open. The Spirit descends.

All:      Jesus emerges from the water.

One:    And a voice echoes through the blue expanse.

All:      “This is my child, the Beloved, with whom I am well-pleased.”

One:    Jesus is named. Claimed.

All:      We come to the water. We remember we are named. Claimed.

One:    Can it be so? What a thing to be named. Claimed.

All:      Let us worship the one who names and claims us still.

*     Opening Hymn VU #378 – “Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart”

Prayer of Approach and Confession

            We are incredibly stubborn, O God. We have entered the season in which Your Light has been given to the world, your blessings have been poured out on the world, and yet many times all we can think about is our own problems, our own needs, our own desires. Help us to desire you, God. Help us to yearn for your presence. Pour your baptismal waters over us again, cleansing us. Nourish and heal us so that we may joyfully serve you. Wash away our jealousy, greed, and all negative thoughts and behaviors that stand in the way of our truly being the people you have called us to be. Again let us receive the blessings offered in creation, in the birth and baptism of Jesus, and in the ministry of the saints of light. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.



Words of Assurance

Passing the Peace

Time for all ages

*   Hymn MV #97 – “Listen, God is Calling”

                    Listen, God is calling, through the word inviting,

                    Offering forgiveness, comfort and joy.

The Word

& Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43: 1-7

Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22

*   Hymn VU #100 – “When Jesus Comes to Be Baptized”

Meditation – “Called you by your name?”

(a quiet time for your personal reflection and prayer)

Anthem – “You are Mine”

The Response

*               Offering / Response: These Gifts We Bring

            These gifts we bring with grateful hearts,

            To reconcile, make new,

            Gather us in grace, show us the way,

            To live our lives in Truth

            To share Your love in all we do.

Offering Dedication

Prayers of the People

*   Closing Hymn MV #161 – “I Have Called You by Your Name”

*               Commissioning / Benediction

*   Response (VU #84 – v.3)

                        Your glory shone at Jordan’s stream,

                        The font where we were born anew.

                        Attune your church to know you near;

                        Illumine all we say and do.



Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, Minister                                              Laura Steidl, Music Director Heather Karavas, Office Administrator                                          Myrna Hagues, Organist       Anne Thoroughgood, Liturgist                                                             Gina Grant, Custodian

Welcome Ministry: Edna Erickson, Joyce Muir, Ruth Klein

Categories: General News, Sunday Bulletin and Announcements, Worship