Bibles for Dummies – Week 1

We had a great evening setting off on our latest adventure of learning about the Bible with Rev. Dr. Bob Galston!

We were very impressed by Bob’s song listing ALL of the books of the Bible (there are 66!) and even got to sing along ourselves!

Participants were able to talk about what they were looking to learn from the study and ended the evening by generating a list of questions.

Some of the wonderings were:

 What is literal and what is symbolic?

Women in the bible – how did they get in?

 Is everything true as written?

 How did the books of the Bible get chosen?

 Why are there different versions of the same story?

 “God came down in the form of Jesus” – why are we preaching it this way?

 If you are going to read the Bible, where would you start?

When did the earliest writing of the Bible take place and who wrote it?

 Are we supposed to believe the Miracles like the loaves and fishes?

Homework for this week:

Bring a Bible to the next session

Read the book of Genesis


If you missed the first session you are still welcome to join in next Wednesday (Oct. 26) from 7-8:30 p.m.

Learn more about the book that is the basis of our faith –

 All welcome!


Categories: Christian Development, General News